Tuesday, January 17, 2012

heart Tugging forwarded msg

You lie to your parents for your lover,
Why not to your lovers for your parents?

You ask your lover whether he/she has taken lunch on time.
Have you ever asked the same question to your parents?

You leave all your bad habits for one promise to your love.
Why not after the repeated advice of your parents?

-Anamae Ambag

Our parents too... get older

Sometimes we hate our parents for bragging us with things we don't want to do.

but one thing we must remember,

"we are soo busy growing up, we almost forgot that they too...
are also growing old'..."

-Irene Viloria

Love is like a cement

Love is like stepping on a wet a cement,
The longer you stay, the harder for you to let go,
But once you're gone,
You can't go without leaving a single but memorable mark...

-Irene Viloria

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fingers Definition

I have five fingers for Five reasons:

  1. my LITTLE FINGER is for making promises with my best friend.
  2. my RING FINGER is for my special someone when the right time comes.
  3. my MIDDLE FINGER is for those haters who are jelous of me
  4. my INDEX FINGER is to silence those who speak ill of me
  5. and lastlty, my THUMB, toshow the rest of the world that I will be fine 

-Rizel Hingco

Fixing relationship

A relationship between people is like a house,

When the light bulb burns out,

You dont go out and buy a new one.

You fix the light bulb instead.

-Annie Vi Caralde

Friday, October 28, 2011

Unfair Love

"Learn to move on and accept the reality, that life is unfair! specially LOVE!"

-Janin Quiza

I haven't get a chance to think of you Today

I haven't get a chance to think of you Today...

because I'm not yet done thinking of you since Yesterday...